Monday, June 2, 2014

Bringing in the Month of June with Blueberries

Well, June has arrived and just like the winter was, it is much cooler than normal here.  I started the weekend and this morning with a sweatshirt on.  That is virtually unheard of here in southeastern North Carolina where we usually have temperatures in the 90s to 100s by this time of year.

Yesterday I was reading old blog posts to my kids because they were getting nervous about the EOGs this week.  They decided they wanted to write the posts for today since I told them both that they weren't old enough to have their own blog.

So here goes:

Want to pick berries

If you want to pick blueberries you should come to Farmer Mac's Berries.  We have the juiciest, tastiest, fattest blueberries that you would ever find!

If you have any questions it is okay to ask just about anybody on the farm because everybody who lives on the farm with the exception of one house are all related. 

We have lots of animals to look at, hold, pet, etc.  We have a playground that little kids and, if they want to, big kids can play on it. We have 4 different varieties of berries which include Croatan, New Hanover, Oneals, and Legacy. 

The animals that we have are chickens, dogs, ducks, 2 geese, 2 turkeys, goats, sheep, horses and cats. 


Pick some juicy blueberries

In Farmer Mac's Berries, we have the juiciest blueberries ever.  We have lots of animals that children and everyone else can see. You can bring your own bucket or if you forget your own bucket you can use one of our buckets.   We can lead you to a good spot in the field if you have never gone blueberry picking or if you want us to. We have lots of kids for other kids to play with if they don't want to pick blueberries. That's okay if they want to pick blueberries too.


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